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Everything we've done this year as a studio

We’ve been up to a lot in 2023 and we’ve not yet shouted about all of it, so we’re taking the opportunity to wrap up our 2023.

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A (not-so) brief guide to making condensed working hours, work

It’s no secret that we work a flexible and remote condensed week at GFSC. But what have we learned from it? Spoiler alert: It’s mostly about good communication!

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Where are we today and where next?

In spring 2023 we conducted a series of interviews with the aim of finding out a bit more about how we understand ‘The GFSC Collective’, and what its members want from it.

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Sometimes we make things you can hold in your hands

Sharing a collection of publications we’ve made over the years and announcing a new collaboration with Pen Fight to distribute them!

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Co-designing a local history archive with Oldham residents

Exploring the design choices behind the final ‘Towers’ site, and how our experiences of gathering data along the way fed into the final layout and structure.

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